This gallery contains 110 photos.
It is a feeling of great longing that stirs within me when I think back to New Zealand. I absolutely loved the place and miss it so much. Oh the land of the long white cloud – Aotearoa as the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 110 photos.
It is a feeling of great longing that stirs within me when I think back to New Zealand. I absolutely loved the place and miss it so much. Oh the land of the long white cloud – Aotearoa as the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 149 photos.
G’day troopers and happy Valentines Day! Woo hoo! Since I wont be there to give you all a big kiss, here is a cyber one instead xxxxx Andy and I have been together for 13 years today, ah bless. But … Continue reading
This gallery contains 141 photos.
Oh my goodness, its been so long since our last post hasn’t it!? Sorry about that, been having too much fun. Anyway, I’m back again, here to give you a break from work, bore you to death on a Sunday … Continue reading
This gallery contains 55 photos.
Sawadeekup! That’s hello in Thai, if the person saying it is male that is, Sawadeeka if you’re female and something else if you’re a ladyboy. So we landed in Bangkok after a short pleasant flight from Hong Kong, I’m pleased … Continue reading
This gallery contains 62 photos.
Ok so China to Hong Kong, I’m so sorry but this wont be brief 🙂 Waking up with quite a hangover from the drinks we had the night before with my client Michael, we packed our bags for the next … Continue reading